Hello and thanks for dropping by!

Welcome to my blog.

I’m super excited you’ve landed here because now I get the opportunity to explain why I can help you out and what you can expect to achieve by sticking around!

I’m also excited that you’ve made the decision to start a blog. Whatever your reasons, having a blog creates amazing opportunities for you, whether it’s making new friends with shared interests, connecting with people all over the world or earning an income you never thought possible. Imagine no company pay ceiling to hold you back, no nasty boss, nothing.

The only thing standing between you and wherever it is you want to get to, is YOU!

That’s a liberating thought don’t you think? It’s also a little scary, I have to admit. But would you have it any other way? I wouldn’t.

What’s This Blog About and How Can I Help You?

This blog is about helping you create your first WordPress blog. Sounds simple? By now, no doubt you’ve figured out, it’s not as simple as so many proclaim! Or is it just me? Maybe, I don’t know.

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

You’re ready to start a blog. You jump online and start researching “how to start a blog”. Rubbing your hands together you’re thinking “OK, this is going to be awesome, I can’t wait to get started”.

Then something happens.

Your heart starts to race. Your mind is on overdrive absorbing information as it’s coming  at you hard and fast.

Suddenly you’re no longer “starting a blog”.

Oh no. Now, you’re getting a domain and web host, installing WordPress, learning CSS and HTML.  You’re setting up a Facebook account, a Twitter account, a Pinterest account, a Google Plus account,  a Facebook group, building an email list, creating ebooks and online courses, building sales funnels, choosing an email service provider, creating lead magnets, writing amazing mind blowing content, mastering search engine optimization, becoming an affiliate marketer, creating beautiful images on Indesign and Canva…phew, can I stop here?

If you’re not having a panic attack by now…kudos to you!

So why is this blog any different to other blogs?

I’m going to take the panic attack out of the process and replace the “information overload” you’re experiencing right now with a much better approach to starting a blog.

By shifting your attention to the current moment, the “now”, you no longer need to be stressed out by the mountain of things you have to do in the future, and instead focus on accomplishing the one thing that you can do now.

If you need help with this, I highly recommend the international best selling book “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle

Because with this approach, you can absolutely succeed. You won’t feel overwhelmed and you won’t be tempted to give up.

Simply focus on one task at a time. What you will do right now. Not tomorrow, and the day after and the week after, just what you will do right now.  No more worrying about all the things you must learn and accomplish in the future.

You’ll be rocking and rolling all the way to success. This, I promise.

I’ll remove all the background noise for you and together, we’ll complete one task at a time. When we’ve finished, your blog will be set up with all the essential business tools and you’ll be ready to get on with the important stuff which is creating content and building an online business.

The Power of Now

I want to make sure you don’t give up on your dreams before you’ve even started, because you’re suffering from information overload and feeling overwhelmed. This happens to so many people, and to be honest, I can totally see why.

You may have noticed, there is an abundance of awesome blogs that can help you with email list building, copy writing, social media marketing, building an online business and the list goes on and on.

And most of these blogs have a post around signing up with a webhost and installing WordPress. But what happens in between? The answer is A LOT.

You sign up with a web host, you install WordPress and then you’re supposed to be building an email list. You don’t even know how to use the WordPress dashboard, let alone set up a form on your website and integrate an email autoresponder.

If you’re still reading, I know you know what I mean.

This blog is about everything that happens in between.

My challenge is to create a blog that would have helped me when I was starting out with zero experience online.

I am no guru when it comes to creating websites. You might be thinking, then why would I want to listen to you! And this is a perfectly reasonable question.

So here is my answer:

Firstly, when you’re an expert, it’s very hard to imagine not being an expert, and to put on the “I know nothing’ hat that your readers or students are wearing. This makes it more challenging to explain things from beginning to end without missing important pieces of information.

If you’ve been looking at starting a blog for a while, you may have already been through a number of tutorials. I don’t know about your experience, but I find so many of them omit important information, or start or finish not at the beginning and end of the process but somewhere in between, leaving you wondering “how did you get to that point?” or “what do you do next?”

Sound familiar? Many of the posts on this blog have been created at the time I worked something out, or not long after. I think this can be an advantage when you are teaching something that’s technical. But…that’s only my thoughts, you can be the judge of that!

Second to that, if I can create my website with zero online experience, then so can you!

What You Will Need

  • Yourself. Grab a coffee!
  • Access to the internet
  • Time. I won’t lie to you here. You know you’ve read a gazillion times that you can set up your blog in 5 minutes? Hmm well, I’m still not convinced about that one. You will need quite a bit of time. How much time, well who can say. Just take every spare moment that comes your way.
  • Money. In these tutorials, you’ll be setting up a WordPress blog on a self-hosted blogging platform (Bluehost) with the Divi Theme by Elegant Themes. Cost can vary here depending on which plans you choose. When you sign up for hosting you receive a free domain. Web hosting services with privacy protection will cost approx USD150 for 3 years with the discount rate plus the Divi theme at USD89 for a year’s subscription to the Developer plan. Totalling, approx. USD239.

You can choose a free blogging platform and a free theme, but as I cover in the tutorials, if you want to create a professional blog or even if you think you’d like to explore monetizing your blog down the track, you’ve really got to go for a self-hosted platform and a premium theme.

How Do I Use This Site?

Glad you asked. Head over to the home page to get started. At the end of each post, a red button will take you to the next tutorial so you can easily move through each step.

People like to learn in different ways, so I’ve set up the tutorials in an online course format you can access here.

Good luck, don’t quit and if you have any problems along the way, be sure to contact me for help. I’ll do what I can for you.


Starter Pack

Sarah Pilati

AUTHOR: SARAH PILATI  Hi, I’m Sarah! I’m here to help you create your first WordPress blog. I cover the early stages of your project – getting your website up and running! If you have any doubts you can do it yourself, this website is for you! You can get started here.


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